Thursday, April 18, 2013

Some mutha effin results!

      After working my butt off for a solid month I am finally starting to see some results. Thank god,... I was about to dive head first into the biggest cheeseburger I could find if it didn't start happening soon. I'm such an impatient person and if I'm putting in effort and getting nothing back I can be a giant baby about it. Every Friday my awesome workout guru  takes my measurements for me. Because I suck at it, I never can remember where I measured last and most of the time I end up frustrated and in tears. The same with the scale, I have even contemplated having a good heavy cry while weighing myself to see how much my tears weigh me down. So last Friday she measured me and whalaha I lost an inch and half off my chest, an inch from my waist and two inches from my thighs. I was so stoked I spend the whole day with a weight loss high. I've only lost 4 pounds so far but I'm tightening up and that is progress. So I'm happy.
    The plan has been altered slightly due to my new full time landscaping gig. I recently began working with the hub full time, like legit full time. I used to work with him a lot but we worked 3 maybe 4 hour days a few days a week. Not enough for me to feel like I got a real work out. That sure has changed. We have been pulling 7 and 8 hour days 5 days a week. It's been kicking my butt and shrinking it too. I am feeling so strong now. My stamina for work increases daily and I can hold my own with the hub finally. I make sure to do my cardio fit class every single week, it makes missing any other classes okay because it's the mother of all workouts. I'm still hitting up my body pump class when I can peel my sore body out of bed on time. Sleep comes easy now, sometimes out of no where I feel like I could crash out. Such a difference from 6 months ago. I can feel myself changing and I'm super excited about my future for the first time in a long time. 
     Food is still my biggest issue. I crave the old favorites, nachos, pizza, and espressos. I've found some good substitutions for these long lost friends. Turkey with mustard is my new favorite lunch. Did you know that mustard has no calories, like no anything, so I can eat it on everything. It's not amazing like cheese but it curbs the wants. I still have my coffee but I have it at home. If I get tempted by a coffee stand I remind myself of the workout it will take to burn off that drink, and I have a cup of tea. We also tried our first cauliflower crust pizza last week and it turned out much to my surprise delicious. It's time consuming and not nearly as easy as a good ole pre made crust is but It's all about the effort right. Effort in improving myself begins with the effort I put into my food, my workouts, and my life. Easy is fattening and being fat is too easy for me. I've finally got some momentum going and not about to let it end. 

1 comment:

  1. Keeping motivated is a group effort, so keep me in the loop and we can help each other be healthy! Love ya and I'm so happy you're feeling positive! You're doing an awesome job:)
